Expressing grave concern over the mass concentration of Indian troops in northern parts of Kashmir and Jammu, the Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has said that the latest movement in the occupied territory may be a prelude to some big military operation.
Commenting on the latest reports pouring in from Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK), he said that the Indian fanatic rulers have already turned the whole occupied territory into a big military garrison while the latest deployment and the movement of troops towards northern Kashmir is alarming.
He maintained that since August 2019, India has constantly been increasing the strength of its troops in occupied territory in order to use force against those demanding freedom and the right to self-determination.
Referring to the Indian army’s brutalities, human rights violations and crimes against humanity, the AJK president said that more than one million Indian troops are engaged in killing, injuring, and maiming the Kashmiri people perpetuating the worst inhuman torture on those languishing in prisons and concentration camps.
He appealed to the United Nations and the international human rights organisations to take exception to the Indian brutalities, the worst human rights abuses, grabbing of lands of Kashmir people and settling foreign Hindus there, and play their role to prevent the Indian government from such actions.
Khan said that the change of demography of the occupied and the disputed territory of Kashmir and illicit transfer of population from outside is a violation the international law particularly the fourth Geneva Convention. The state president said that peaceful and unarmed Kashmir people were resisting the Indian Army, and this is the fact that the Kashmiri people are not terrorists but the victims of state terrorism.
He said that bilateral talks with India for the solution of the Kashmir issue have always been inconclusive because India has been using these talks as a time-buying ploy and to hoodwink the international community and the Kashmiri people.