ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan lashed out on the opposition parties on Friday while inaugurating the Lodhran-Multan highway upgradation and rehabilitation project and said that the self proclaimed democrats are pushing on to the army to overthrow the government.
He said that these mafias have kept billions of dollars overseas, and because their theft and corruption is coming to light, they aim to overthrow the government and the system of governance.
According to the PM, the minute that PTI came into power, they were questioned about NAYA Pakistan. In the first week of PTI’s term, the government was accused of failing, especially with the media and opposition both criticizing his government and accusing him of destroying the country. He acclaimed that the worst has passed and the country is heading towards betterment.
The Mafia’s have their own interests and are ready to go through every extent to make them come to life. The societies struggles have changed, and it was given the impression that our struggles would come to an end with the push of a button.
He gave the example of Quaid-e-Azam who had to struggle to get a free country, similarly today our struggle is against the mafias, which is very important for the future of Pakistan, in order for the rule of law to prevail.
The rule of law changes societies. In developed countries, everyone abides the law and there are no mafias.
Despite the growth rate of 4% and covid-19 the country has gone through and flourished in drastic times.
The Agriculture and industry of Pakistan are slowly but surely being uplifted especially with the packages being developed for farmers. PTI has doubled the exports, something that should have been done 10 years ago.
Currently 10 dams are being constructed in the country to produce 50,000 megawatts of energy.
“Pakistan is changing,” the prime minister wrote in a tweet, referring to the areas that showed improvement in financial stability through reforms. Imran Khan lauded the team of Capital Development Authority (CDA) that gained a surplus financial strength. “A near-bankrupt CDA, which posted a deficit of Rs 5.8 billion in 2017, will close this financial year with Rs73 billion surplus and Rs 26 billion already in accounts. Well done team CDA,” he said.
The prime minister said with financial stability achieved, it was time to accelerate transformation of Islamabad into a model city with priority being on reform and restructuring. He said other mega cities could also become self-sustaining economic engines of growth through commitment, transparency and innovation.
The PM also talked about climate change and measures to safe the country against global warming. 10 billion trees project is on the go. Pakistan is an elite tourist destination which was not given the attention it deserved in the previous years. He said that we can increase the country’s financial reserves via tourism alone, something with the opposition parties failed to do.
He further said that Under the Naya Pakistan housing scheme loans of Rs60 billion have been taken by the banks along with which housing schemes are being introduced with loans specifically being given for housing.
Prime Minister Imran Khan said Pakistan was undergoing a positive transformation as the country’s economic turnaround and success in construction policy had showed results.